
Know Your Heater, Know Your Safety

Do you know how safe your heater really is? Energy Safe Victoria has recently released a safety alert of potentially carbon monoxide poisoning from Vulcan Heritage Space Heater and Pyrox Heritage Space Heaters.

Winter is upon us and everybody will be turning towards their heaters. In light of recent safety news of potential carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning produced by B-Vent/Open Flue gas heaters such as Vulcan Heritage Space Heater and Pyrox Heritage Space Heater, it’s vital to test your gas heaters in your home/rental property.

What’s going on exactly?

Few Victorians have been reported to have experienced carbon monoxide poisoning which symptoms include tiredness, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, nausea and others. This was caused due to the use of B-vent/Open Flue gas heaters such as a Vulcan or Pyrox Heritage Gas Space Heater where air is drawn front he room to feed the fire. This paired with inadequate ventilation and even use of exhaust fans will draw the carbon monoxide back in to the room which leads to people being exposed to potential carbon monoxide poisoning.

The diagram below illustrates how air is drawn in and out of a B-Vent/Open-Flue gas heaters, compared to a Balanced Flue gas heater.

Do you use a Vulcan or Pyrox Heritage Space Heater? It’s urged by Energy Save Victoria that those using Vulcan or Pyrox Heritage Gas Heater to stop using them until they’ve been tested by a qualified gas fitter.

The department of Health and Human Services is inspecting these gases in public housing properties. Properties with heaters that fail this inspection will have their heaters disconnected and replaced, while heaters that pass the carbon monoxide testing will go on a priority list for replacement.

In the meantime, if you own one of these heaters then it is recommended that you don’t use it until it can be tested by a qualified gas fitter.

Stay warm this winter by using alternative heating until this has been tested or replaced with the following options

If you want to stay with a gas heater then we recommend choosing a Balance Flue gas heater. Balanced Flue gas heaters are great alternatives as it draws air from outside the house to feed the fire. As the heater is sealed, the exhaust gases are drawn up the flue and dispersed safely outside the house. There are great Balanced Flue gas heaters available at Woodpecker.

Can’t decide which is best for your home? Check out our product range on our website or contact us and we will help choose the perfect fit for your family and home.