
Daikin split systems bringing you the best air anywehere

Daikin Split Systems bringing you the best air anywhere during the covid-19 outbreak and all year around! Read on to understand why you should get a Daikin in your home.

Stay safe and healthy at home with Daikin split systems

Why is it the best time to get into Daikin Split Systems in your home?

No doubt we have all seen the latest news reports on “Coronavirus”. This infectious virus has many worried about hygiene and general personal health, these worries are being met with government imposed self-quarantines, lockdown laws and social distancing. How do you keep your family safe and healthy at home in this quarantine period? Stay safe by staying home, and stay comfortable with a trusted Daikin unit!

DAIKIN SUMMER SALE - Woodpecker Heating & Cooling

How can Daikin Split Systems help me stay healthy?

Daikin Air Conditioning Systems and Air Purifiers are all designed with highly advanced filtration systems that are all approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice program, the only split systems that carry the blue butterfly symbol. All Daikin systems provide technically advanced purification systems which are critical for maintaining an environment with anti-microbial properties, keeping your family happy, comfortable and healthy all year long; not just during this pandemic!

With so many available Daikin products, there are so many different design styles and product systems available; and we are more than happy to help! We are an essential service and are proud to be supporting our community by keeping families healthy and relaxed, whether its sunny or raining a Daikin split system has temperature controls to make your home comfortable. We currently have health and safety procedures in place to make sure everybody is healthy and safe during these uncertain times. When visiting your home for a site inspection, installation or service we are sure to remain adherent to social distancing rules and will be wearing personal protective equipment. These procedures are in place to ensure everyone’s safety is a main priority!

DAIKIN SUMMER SALE - Woodpecker Heating & Cooling

Do I need to service my Daikin unit?

Already have a Daikin unit? Make sure you book in for a service! To ensure your Daikin system is running efficiently it is essential that your unit is serviced every 18 months! A complete service allows your unit to run proficiently and clean, this is achieved by cleaning filtration systems, ensuring all electrical and plumbing works are intact and testing efficiency ratings.


See the full range of Daikin units available here.


With two stores available to you, the Daikin experts at Woodpecker can help you choose the best unit for your home. Stores available in Mornington and Oakleigh East. Full contactless process also available during this uncertain times!